Scarborough Amateur Radio Society - G4BP

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The Home Page of The Scarborough Amateur Radio Society



About our Society - Scarborough Amateur Radio Society [SARS] was formed on 6th of January 1920, 104 years ago.   

GB7RW 145.600

Dual Mode - FM and DSTAR as well as Echolink
 We support training for new members each year for the Radio Amateur Licence exams. It is quite easy to get on air with the Foundation exam if you spend some time reading the Foundation Now! book, available from the RSGB shop. Of course, the club provides training or help to get you through your exams. Exams usually take place on line making the result available at the end of your exam.  

Saturday Morning Net 9-10am on 3.650MHz
 Our next club event:
Day Date Time Event Event Info


The Scarborough Amateur Radio Society meets at the Westover Club 3, Westover Road, Scarborough YO12 5AA on Monday evenings. The official doors open 7:00pm meeting starting at 7:30pm visitors and new members most welcome.
Please contact our Secretary and let us know you are coming - Mail to: we would love to see you!

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